HR6S -Serie
Mit der weiteren Verbreitung des IoT (Internet of Things) an Produktionsstandorten steigt der Bedarf an gut sichtbaren Anzeigen des Zustands der Steuergeräte.
HR6S ist ein Mikrocomputer-basiertes Sicherheitsrelaismodul, das eine Vielzahl von Anschlüssen, Eingabegeräten und Betriebsarten unterstützt, die der wachsenden Zahl von Produktionsstätten, die auf diese Informationen zugreifen müssen, wichtige Diagnose- und Statusinformationen liefern.
Anders als die meisten Relaismodule auf dem Markt, die keine Optionen für Fernkonnektivität haben, können HR6S-Sicherheitsrelaismodule zwanzig verschiedene Indikatoren für Betriebsstatus, Fehler und Warnungen ausgeben. Durch diese einzigartige Auslegung können Überwachungssteuerungssystemen und IoT-Plattformen Visualisierungen, Diagnose, vorbeugende Wartung und andere Analysen auf einfache Weise durchzuführen.
Wesentliche Merkmale:

Predictive Maintenance
Not only diagnostic results, but detailed information regarding safety-related parts such as input/output status can be acquired to prevent unintended stops.

Connect to Various Input Devices
Dials are used to select input devices and start functions to enable safety measures for a wide variety of machines
and allows standardization of the relay module.
Setting a start function
Select from 8 types of start functions without changing the wiring. Automatic and manual operation can be selected as well as "startup test", which requires monitoring, cross-circuit detection, and pre-start inspection.
Setting an application function
Set up to 7 types of input devices, such as emergency stop switches, interlock switches, light curtains, RFID devices, magnet switches, proximity switches, two-hand control switches, and pressure-sensitive switches.

Output Expansion
Outputs can be expanded (excluding HR6S-AB). No wiring is required, because expansions are connected via the connector on the side of the unit.

A sealing strip to secure the protective cover is included, preventing the dials from inadvertent adjustment or settings from being changed.
LED Display for Viewing Status at a Glance
The LED indicators display approximately 20 different states by steady or flash light, or by combining.
When an error occurs, its location is indicated, allowing maintenance to be performed immediately.

Delay Function
By using the dials to set a combination of a coefficient from 0 to 0.9 and a magnification from 1x to 1000x, time limit can be set in the range of 0 to 900 seconds. Also, the external input can be used to cancel the off-delay and immediately cut off the output. Expanded (*1) output can be set to either instantaneous or delay. The delay output used to unlock the solenoid is compatible with category 1 and PLc.
*1: Expansion output is set to instantaneous for 1 to 4, and to
delay output for 5 to 8.

Screw or Push-in Terminal Block
Choose from two types: a conventional screw terminal block or a highly-reliable push-in terminal block that saves wiring time. Both are removable and easy to maintain.