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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Strategies

IDEC has established “Business foundation: Establish a management structure that promotes value creation, foster an organizational climate and develop human resources” as one of its four materiality goals. Corporate revitalization and strengthening human capital will be indispensable in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase our corporate value. Accordingly, we are carrying out various initiatives to this end based on the vision we established for 2030, and in coordination with the policies in the medium-term management plan and the sustainability KPIs. We have conducted an employee engagement survey since 2019, and have made the resulting “Engagement score” one of our sustainability KPIs.

We are working to improve engagement by determining the current situation and the issues to be resolved and then implementing measures centering on priority issues. In addition, initiatives to promote decent work as well as diversity & inclusion will be essential to further expand our business activities globally. We will focus our efforts on hiring global talent and increasing the proportion of female managers to ensure human resource diversity.

We have defined filling important positions and conducting leadership training as medium to long-term human resource strategies. We will systematically select and train candidates to become the next generation of managers as part of our efforts to achieve sustainable growth for all Group companies.

Materiality & Sustainability KPIs

■ Human Resource Development, Diversity & Inclusion



In FY2023, a new Strategic Planning Division was established as an organization under the direct control of representative directors to work together to draft management strategies and personnel strategies. The new division, working in coordination with related departments, leads the formulation of long-term visions, medium-term management plans, sustainability KPIs, management and personnel strategies, and the managing of our management resources. Critical matters are referred to the Top Management Meeting, whose policy decisions are reported to the Board of Directors.

In addition, a new Decent Work Promotion Subcommittee was established in 2022 as a specialist subcommittee of the Company-Wide Health & Safety Committee. The subcommittee works to create a rewarding workplace environment and increase employee satisfaction in order to achieve employee well-being.

Strengthening of Human Resource Management Systems

We have introduced a personnel system that is based on our human resource development policy and employee engagement surveys.
We also conduct multifaceted evaluations and work to improve our training systems to strengthen human resource development. In addition, we created the Career Development Meeting as a mechanism for considering the development of each and every employee.

New Personnel System

A new personnel system was introduced in 2022 based on issues with personnel-related systems (relating to evaluations, pay, bonuses, promotions, etc.) that were identified in the first employee engagement survey, conducted in 2019. Under the new personnel system, multiple career tracks were created to accommodate diverse career aspirations and provide opportunities for individuals to realize their particular preferences and strengths. The new personnel system also increases transparency with regard to “objective management (evaluations)” and “renumeration” and ensures fair assessment and treatment of desired roles, actions, and job performance.

Multifaceted Evaluation System

In FY2023, a new multifaceted evaluation system was introduced in an effort to enable employees to realize things about their daily work behavior and job performance, in order to change self-awareness and bring about a change in behavior.

Career Development Meeting

Beginning in FY2023, we have held a Career Development Meeting as a new initiative to support employee growth and place the right people in the right jobs within the organization. At the Meeting, the department heads within each division gather to share and clarify issues relating to developing member capabilities and so on, study the allocation of roles, and consider employee training plans including future promotion.
Attendees also share feedback from group analysis of stress check data, and trends and opinions relating to self-reporting, in order to help to improve the working environment.

Training Programs

The IDEC Group has created various training programs to develop employees through investment in human resources, in order to resolve various societal challenges and achieve customer success. In addition to organized in-house and outside training programs and career advancement support programs, we have also introduced an overseas training program for young employees to develop personnel who can succeed in the global arena.
Moreover, to achieve sustainable growth for the IDEC Group as a whole, we have also introduced a selective training program for early training of the next-generation managerial candidates who will lead our Group in the future.

Increased Employee Engagement

In 2019, we conducted our first employee engagement survey to increase trust between the company and employees and boost overall employee motivation. Various initiatives have been implemented based on the issues revealed by the results of the first survey. The second employee engagement survey was conducted in October 2022. The results showed certain positive effects of the measures that had been implemented, with improvements including higher scores for the overall indicators “Total Workplace Attractiveness” and “Total Employer Attractiveness.” However, improvements are still needed for many items, and a company-wide effort will be mounted to implement corrective action for the results of the second survey. Also, a new Employee Awards Program was introduced in FY2024.
In addition to award categories established for specific areas, award categories for employees who embody the Group’s philosophy and exemplary employees who have taken action in line with the IDEC Principles—which are based on our Core Values and represent the concrete thinking and conduct that employees should remain mindful of as they perform their duties—have also been established in an effort to ensure that all employees understand the Group’s philosophy. In this way, various policies are being implemented to improve employee engagement.


Risk Management

In materiality analysis, the risks and opportunities relating to human capital are mapped on the twin axes of stakeholder importance and business activity importance, and the risks associated with human capital as a “Business foundation” are integrated with the IDEC Group risk map and managed. Critical risk items are assessed and managed by the Risk Management Committee, and the risks and opportunities relating to human capital are reassessed annually at the Strategy Planning Division.

Metrics and Targets

The IDEC Group has made “Establish a management structure that promotes value creation, foster an organizational climate and develop human resources” one of its materiality goals, and has defined its vision for 2030.
In order to achieve this vision, we have established sustainability KPIs for activities in the areas of “Create a pleasant workplace environment” and “Promote decent work and increase investment in human capital,” and we are implementing initiatives to achieve these goals.