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Policy for Developing Human Resources and Arranging Work Environments in Order to Ensure Diversity

The IDEC Group has specified our reason for existence (our Purpose) as “realizing  safety, ANSHIN and well-being for people around the world  the world” and has indicated our Vision “Pioneer the new norm for a safer and sustainable world.” in “The IDEC Way.” Our goal is to create a safer and more sustainable society by bringing happiness and ANSHIN to all people.

Looking toward the target of realizing the Vision of the IDEC Group, we will further develop our businesses on a global basis and contribute to the resolution of various societal challenges through our business activities. In order to do so, we have set our key themes to be the recruitment and development of human resources who possess a wide variety of strengths and can demonstrate their abilities, as well as human resources who can independently open a path to the future with high passion and be responsible for the next generation. We will continue to actively promote diversity and inclusion from here on and implement various measures for human resource development.

In addition, the IDEC Group protects workplace safety and physical and mental health, respects human rights, and strives to ensure a healthy work environment free of discrimination.

Initiatives for the Recruitment and Development of Human Resources 

Training programs

The IDEC Group has created various training programs to develop employees through investment in human resources, in order to resolve various societal challenges and achieve customer success.

In addition to organized in-house and outside training programs and career advancement support programs, we have also introduced an overseas training program for young employees to develop personnel who can succeed in the global arena.

Moreover, to achieve sustainable growth for the IDEC Group as a whole, we have also introduced a selective training program for early training of the next-generation managerial candidates who will lead our Group in the future.

Development of next-generation leaders

Our medium-to long-term human resource strategy includes the fulfillment of key positions and the development of human resources who will be leaders. In order to achieve sustainable growth throughout the Group, we are selecting and developing manager candidates who will be responsible for the next generation of management.

Recruitment and development of highly skilled human resources

We are actively promoting the recruitment and development of personnel in the fields of DX and AI who are capable of promoting business innovation, as well as personnel with a high level of specialized expertise who can be responsible for technical sales and new product development to propose optimal solutions to customer issues.

Recruitment and development of global human resources

In our international society, we are actively promoting the recruitment and development of global human resources who can advance the IDEC Group's business operations while communicating successfully with people who have diverse values.

Global talent management

We have been making preparations to introduce a talent management system as a global human resources base. By managing personnel data such as skills and experience on a global basis, we will advance the visualization of human resources and maximization of organizational capabilities in an effort to discover talented human resources and allocate them appropriately. In Japan, we will consolidate human resource development plans, e-Learning, the organizational structure, survey management and other aspects based on skills and experience into a talent management system, and work to promote career development and improve engagement.
Ahead of the system’s introduction in FY2026, we studied systems and organized the issues in FY2024 and FY2025.

Initiatives for Diversity and Inclusion

We promote diversity & inclusion initiatives, work to develop an environment in which a diverse range of employees can achieve success irrespective of race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity, nationality or disability while respecting the humanity, and strive to enhance a support structure that reflects those sentiments.
In addition, to promote the development of a pleasant workplace environment, we drive the implementation of work style reforms that enable flexible ways to work, such as planned annual leave, encouraging male employees to take childcare leave, and the introduction of discretionary work and flex-time systems. To improve the ratio of males taking childcare leave, we have posted interviews with employees who have taken the leave on the company intranet, and engaged in awareness-raising of supervisors of those planning to take the leave. As a result, 100% of eligible employees availed themselves of childcare leave in FY2024.
To create a fulfilling workplace environment in which employees can continue to work with ANSHIN, improve the level of health and safety and provide employee well-being, we have established the Decent Work Subcommittee and the Workplace Well-being Promotion Committee and share information across the organization and consider company-wide measures. By having employees from a wide range of departments take part in discussions, we will promote the development of an environment that is fulfilling for all employees.

Recruiting and promoting a diverse range of human resources

To promote global business expansion, we hire a diverse range of talent irrespective of nationality, and make a point of developing an environment conductive to those from various backgrounds, including efforts to produce multilingual records of important meetings.
We also hire individuals with diverse experience, including DX and AI-minded personnel who are able to drive business innovation, and those with highly specialized knowledge that enables them to propose optimal solutions that address the issues faced by customers, or develop new products.
Going forward, we will continue to hire talent who possess the expertise and knowledge needed to strengthen our business.

Development and appointment of female managers 

As part of efforts to develop an environment and culture in which a diverse range of human resources can take on challenges, we have been pursuing initiatives enabling female employees to find success. We set the target of raising the number of female managers at IDEC on a non-consolidated basis to 15 by the end of FY2025, and managed to achieve this goal a year ahead of schedule by promoting initiatives such as awareness-raising training for all department general managers who play key roles in promoting the success of female employees, and selective training for female managerial candidates.
The ratio of female managers on a consolidated basis was 23.9% in FY2024.

Creation of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, and initiatives to provide opportunities for activity

Since FY2022, we have applied a special corporate group exception to calculate the number of employees with disabilities. As of the end of FY2024, the number of employees with disabilities within the IDEC Group in Japan was 37 (converted number: 45), resulting in an employment rate of 3.0%.
Our Group company APEM has also actively engaged in hiring disabled persons, and the rate of employees with disabilities in its head office in France is 8.6%.

Understanding of and support for LGBTQ+

In FY2022, we began in-house education relating to LGBTQ+ issues to establish a workplace environment that enables all people to work with energy and enthusiasm. We conduct training for people who serve as in-house consultation contacts and post specific information on the company intranet regarding basic responses to persons coming so it can be read by all employees in order to deepen understanding of LGBTQ+ issues. We will continue to work to create an environment in which employee identities are not compromised.

Environmental Improvement Initiatives

The IDEC Group promotes the creation of a healthy and rewarding work environment that is safe, ANSHIN, and free from industrial accidents. In particular, we promote decent work and improve the working environment by balancing work with childcare and nursing care and reviewing systems to accommodate a variety of work styles.
In addition, sexual harassment, power harassment, maternity harassment, gender harassment, and moral harassment are all acts that violate human rights and harm the work environment. As such, they are strictly prohibited, and harassment training is provided for managers.