FT1A SmartAXIS Touch is the first PLC+HMI from the industry’s original manufacturer of micro PLCs. FT1A Touch delivers affordability without compromise because all of the features and functions are already built-in. Design engineers can now enjoy more versatility and more choices for their automation needs than ever before!
Many small scale applications such as simple machines could benefit by using a programmable graphical interface along with a discrete and analog controller and I/O, but don’t have the panel space or the budget for separate components. The FT1A SmartAXIS Touch address this need by combining operator interface and control in a single compact package, all programmable with IDEC’s PC-based software. The FT1A Touch is available in 12 I/O and 14 I/O configurations with analog I/O expansion capability suitable for advanced analog monitoring and control.
CATALOGAll-in-one PLC and HMI:
This compact 4.3-inch unit combines a PLC and HMI for high performance. Its dual CPU structure improves scan time for faster processing.
Enhanced PLC control:
With onboard and expandable I/O, built-in analog inputs/outputs, and support for PID, PWM, high-speed inputs, and script programming, it handles complex automation tasks with ease.
Leading-edge HMI design:
The HMI features PCAP technology for superior visibility and durability. It supports multi-touch and prevents accidental inputs from water droplets, ensuring reliable operating in various environments.
The unit also supports EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP/IP, BACnet/IP, and IIoT features like MQTT for modern industrial connectivity.