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Diversity & Inclusion

Basic approach

The IDEC Group promotes diversity and inclusion (D&I), and aims to revitalize the organization and create new value by building a work environment where people with diverse values can work together, regardless of race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or nationality, disability, pregnancy, religion, political party affiliation, union affiliation, military experience, protected genetic information, or marital status.

Promotion of Empowerment of Women

The following action plan was formulated to promote the creation of a comfortable working environment in which employees can balance work and childcare, and all employees can fully demonstrate their abilities.
*Regarding the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation, the period and goals for the plan from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023 have been changed to the plan under review.

1. Planned period : Three years from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025

2. Contents

Goals Measures
1 【Goals based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation】
Set the childcare leave acquisition rate at over 90% for both women and men.

From April 2022 : Inform a male employee  whose spouse has given birth and his superior about the childcare leave system.

2 【Goals based on the Act on Promotion of Empowerment of Women】
Expand systems that support flexible working styles.
From April 2022 : Consider introducing a work system that is not restricted by time or place, such as a Discretionary Labor System.

From April 2023 : Start operating a Discretionary Labor System.
3 【Goals based on the Act on Promotion of Empowerment of Women】
Aim for 15 or more female managers.
(Current status : 10 people)
From June 2022 : Plan and implement training programs for all female employees in main career track positions.
*"Female managers" include leader-class employees who are candidates for the next managerial position.

Development and appointment of female managers

As part of efforts to develop an environment and culture in which a diverse range of human resources can take on challenges, we have been pursuing initiatives enabling female employees to find success. We set the target of raising the number of female managers at IDEC on a non-consolidated basis to 15 by the end of FY2025, and managed to achieve this goal a year ahead of schedule by promoting initiatives such as awareness-raising training for all department general managers who play key roles in promoting the success of female employees, and selective training for female managerial candidates.
The ratio of female managers on a consolidated basis was 23.9% in FY2024.

Moreover, based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children (Next Generation Act), we have compiled and practice an autonomous action plan, and we acquired next generation support certification (Kurumin Authorization) from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in July 2017. We will continue to strive for measures to support life-work balance from now on.

Initiatives for Diversity and Inclusion

Recruiting and promoting a diverse range of human resources

To promote global business expansion, we hire a diverse range of talent irrespective of nationality, and make a point of developing an environment conductive to those from various backgrounds, including efforts to produce multilingual records of important meetings.
We also hire individuals with diverse experience, including DX and AI-minded personnel who are able to drive business innovation, and those with highly specialized knowledge that enables them to propose optimal solutions that address the issues faced by customers, or develop new products.
Going forward, we will continue to hire talent who possess the expertise and knowledge needed to strengthen our business.

Creation of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, and initiatives to provide opportunities for activity

Since FY2022, we have applied a special corporate group exception to calculate the number of employees with disabilities. As of the end of FY2024, the number of employees with disabilities within the IDEC Group in Japan was 37 (converted number: 45), resulting in an employment rate of 3.0%.
Our Group company APEM has also actively engaged in hiring disabled persons, and the rate of employees with disabilities in its head office in France is 8.6%.

Understanding of and support for LGBTQ+

In FY2022, we began in-house education relating to LGBTQ+ issues to establish a workplace environment that enables all people to work with energy and enthusiasm. We conduct training for people who serve as in-house consultation contacts and post specific information on the company intranet regarding basic responses to persons coming so it can be read by all employees in order to deepen understanding of LGBTQ+ issues. We will continue to work to create an environment in which employee identities are not compromised.

Development of a pleasant workplace environment

“Decent work” is defined as “rewarding employment (work) which has high consideration for humanity,” and also as “productive work in which the rights of each individual are ensured, sufficient income is generated, and appropriate social protection is provided.”We have implemented various workstyle transformation initiatives, such as increasing work efficiency through DX, building an IT infrastructure that includes telephones, etc., introducing a planned paid holiday program, and encouraging male employees to take childcare leave.
To enable more flexible working styles, we have launched discretionary work and we are currently reassessing flex-time systems, existing work-from-home programs and special leave systems.

Moreover, in FY2023 we established a Decent Work Promotion Subcommittee to strive to create a rewarding workplace environment where employees can work with ANSHIN, in order to increase employee satisfaction and achieve employee well-being. The following objectives have been established and cross-departmental information sharing and company-wide policies are currently being studied.

Through coordination by relevant departments beginning with the Decent Work Promotion Subcommittee, IDEC will work to create a work environment that is rewarding for all employees.

・Optimization of working time management
・Support for balancing career and family
・Achievement of flexible work styles
・Support for empowering women

Reduction of long working hours

The IDEC Group is making a company-wide effort to promote Decent Work and prevent excessive work with the aims of realizing 100% use of annual paid leave.
In addition to the conventional "no-overtime work days", we encourage employees to leave work on time through calling on employees to leave early on the P.A. system. As a result, employees are required to compile and execute more efficient work plans, making them more conscious of working hours than before.
We also strive to increase annual paid leave utilization rates with emphasis on encouraging employees to seek mental and physical refreshment based on scheduled utilization of paid leaves. We are striving to create a workplace atmosphere that encourages taking holidays. For example, we give monthly feedback on individual leave utilization with the aim of realizing 80% or higher utilization.
We were also one of the first corporations to introduce the office hours interval system and take other pioneering measures to reduce long working hours.
In this way, we help our employees control their working hours, leave work early when their workloads are light, and shorten working hours so that they can devote more energy to having fuller private lives.

Systems for Supporting Life and Work Balance

We are expanding the scope of short-time work for childcare and family nursing care. Specifically, we have extended applicability of the childcare short-time work system from "until admission to elementary school" to "elementary school third grade". Also, in anticipation of revision to the law, we have expanded the scope of the family nursing care short-time work system to "three years in total". We also support life and work balance through exempting overtime work, limiting after-hours work and late-night work, and expanding application of the staggered work hours system for childcare to "until graduation from elementary school" and so on. In this way, we are striving to create an environment in which all employees are able to fully exhibit their capabilities.
Also, from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, anticipating revision to the law, we made it possible for employees to take half-day holidays for family nursing care and take nursing leave in up to three installments.
We actively promote awareness and encourage employees to utilize such systems by posting them on the intranet and so on. As a result, 100% of female employees returned to work after childcare leave, ratio of employees taking childcare leave 100% (as of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024).


Data on Promotion of Decent Work

See the following for data related to promotion of Decent Work (childcare leave, annual paid leave utilization rates, etc.)